I Estoril Vigotsky Conference – International Congress of Psychology

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Poster/Apresentação: Promotion of speech in psychoterapy.A neuropsychological approach

Pedro Alves, Tâmara Rodrigues; Alexandra Alves; Quintino-Aires


“I don’t want to die, but I have no will to live”: Case study of a patient with recurrent depressive disorder.

Mariana Braga1.

1Clinical Psychologist, Instituto Liev Vegostsky de Formação (Porto).

Abstract. This essay has the purpose to analyse a psychotherapeutic process of a 22-year-old individual that has a CID diagnosis of recurrent depressive disorder (F33). Since superior mental functions have a systemic organization, where groups of cerebral structures acts in integrated way in the organization of that same system, it will be important to understand if by a mutual- ly compromised relationship, the functional system of the individual is transformed dialectically. Rorschach (Exner, 2000) was applied in order to assess and reassess the physiologic organization of the subject. It was found, through the Rorschach elements, that there are alterations in the individual functional system that promotes the development of the superior mental functions.


“Teach me how to be with you”: The use of RHM in- tervention techniques in a affective psychosis. Helga1

1Masters in Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy; Associação Liev Vegotsky de Formação, Coimbra, Portugal.

Abstract. With the aim of constructing new meanings and new senses from signs, mainly emotional ones, that a patient in an affective psychosis presents, the following relational and historical intervention techniques were used: the intercourse contingency, the assuming of the Eigenwelt, the nomination, the repetition and the re-expression. In this way, it was possible to create a relationship between the patient and the therapist through an internalization process, in which the social and relational unstructured forms (interpsychological) were starting to change into more personal and structured forms (intrapsychological). Through an available adult, the patient was able to structure his difficult of entering into relationships in a more organized way, and started to launch initiatives adequate- ly, recognising also, in a rudimentary way, though the initiatives of that other that was contingent to him. It is suggested that, in the next sessions, the therapist persevere with the relational and historical techniques to build the image of self and to structure the image of another one that becomes real.


“I don’t know like someone else this way”. Sónia Ribeiro1.

1Master in Clinical Psychology; Instituto Liev Vegotsky de Formação, Porto, Portugal.

Abstract. This study aims to analyse the psychotherapeutic process of a 26-years-old female patient that is on the third step of genetic affectology with a diagnostic of paranoid personality. In this process it will be promoted the development of the conscience of the other as well as the capacity to enter into relationship with others, appealing to general intervention techniques in the Historical Relational Psychotherapy (analysis of the contingency to initiative; assume the Eigen- welt and the nomination). The method used for evaluation was the Rorschach (Exner, 2000). As a first step, has been made an evaluation and after twelve sessions of psychotherapy the patient was reassessed. With this case study, it was possible to find that the techniques used allowed a larger conscience of the

other as a psychological being. The techniques have also promoted her capacity to enter into relationship and consequently reduce isolation levels and increase self-esteem.


Fantasy/Reality in step 2. Adriana Rua1.

1Clinical Psychologist; Instituto Liev Vegostsky de Formação, Porto;

Instituto Quintino Aires, Porto.

Abstract. The present study aims to analyse the psychotherapeutic process of a 14 year old adolescent who is in the second step of the evolutionary process of genetic affectology, diagnosed with mild mental retardation, and analyse whether the same process promotes the structuring of superior nervous functions and consequent emotional and intellectual development. In this sense, it is important to understand if the development of a circular movement of attention (in the act, within a mutually contingent intercourse) promotes the structuring and development of superior nervous functions, since "all the superior functions originate in the actual relations between human individuals. The evaluation method used was the Rorschach (Exner, 2000), the Neuropsychological Battery Research for School-Age (Semago & Semago, 2005) and Draw-a-Person Intellectual Ability Test for Children, Adolescent and Adults (Reynolds & Hickman, 2004). These were applied at three different moments. A first evaluation point, a second moment after 12 weeks (revaluation) and a last moment, 24 weeks after the assessment (second review). Through the results it appears that the superior structure of nerve functions are promoted.


Vocational guidance: A socio-historical approach.

Cristina Parada1.

1Clinical Psychologist. Associação Liev Vegotsky de Formação, Coimbra, Portugal.

Abstract. The present exposes to make an analysis concerning the process of choice among adolescents, regarding their vocational guidance. To perform this study, we designed a program of four months with 30 adolescents in the 9th grade. This study considers the Vegotsky ́s analysis on spontaneous and scientific concepts. Compared with spontaneous concepts, scientific concepts have four features which the former lack: generality, systemic organization, conscious awareness and voluntary control. The objective of this program focused on the decision-making through group discussion and self-reflection and on their values, so, to develop, within its boundaries, awareness of determinations of career options and therefore the three other factors dependent on the process. The program relied on the relational-historical approach in psychology and pedagogy, based on Vegotsky, and the tool used for the investigation of qualitative material is the Significance Analysis of Nucleus Meanings of the Constitution of the Senses by Wanda Junqueira and Sergio Ozella.


Enabling a nearly original brain.

Alex Rodrigues1.1Masters in Clinical and Forensic Psychology; Instituto Liev Vegostsky de Formação, Viseu, Portugal.

Abstract. The following study intends to evaluate the impact of neurohabilitation, while using technique’s from the historical-relational psychological stream, on one pre-diagnosed hyperactive child, unable to estab- lish interpersonal relations and school performance.

To analyse the therapeutical progresses, we resorted to two moments of evaluation. On the first and second moment we used the Rorschach test (Exner, 2000), the Neuropsicological Investigation Battery for School Age BINE (Semago & Semago, 2005) and The Goode- nough Human Figure Draw test. Additional informa- tion was gathered by the qualitative analyses of the themes, posture and patient’s attitudes to the therapy sessions. The two moments of evaluation were sepa- rated by twelve neurohabilitation sessions. Starting from the assumption that in order to be development, first there will be learning and to that process we call of “development double law”. In other words, in the first step of this process we will present to the patient how he should perform the tasks (extra-psychologi- cal). Then, in a second step, he will have to start rehe- arsing on what was submitted (inter-psychological). Fi- nally we have the process called development, which occurs when the patient is able to handle without any restriction, that to which he was submitted earlier (in- tra-psychological).